No two artists are alike. Some are more unique than others. Sometimes an artist isn’t just an artist. Beyond the art, beyond the painting, my experience includes a variety of creative arenas. With a strong technical and intellectual background beyond just artistic talents, the “smartistic” way is my philosophy of not only working creatively but with ingenuity.
I’ve run multiple businesses in the Boston and Los Angeles areas, and have an established career in web development and related technologies, as well as marketing, video production, computer graphics, writing and photography. If you need artwork for your business, my understanding of the assortment of creative needs of a business make my well-suited to act as your modern day Leonardo Da Vinci. If you are seeking personal art lessons in the Los Angeles area, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss that with you. Or, if you’ve already decided, sign up for a 1:1 art class today!
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